  • 华人榜为刘晓庆女士颁发终身评委
  • 华人榜创始人温绍康夫妇受邀前往美国康州拜访洛克菲勒基金会主席
  • 华人榜与美国国际文化交流集团达成合作

高锟 / GAO KUN

  • 华人榜.科学奖
  • 国籍:美籍/英籍
  • 职业:物理学家
  • 领域:物理学研究

Winner of Outstanding Chinese in the Area of Scientific Research
Mr. Gao Kun
Gao Kun is an American, British, and Hong Kong Chinese-; he is a world-renowned scientist and a Nobel Laureate in Physics; he is a foreign associate in the Chinese Academy of sciences and has served as Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; he is by far the eighth to win the Nobel Prize for Chinese scientists. Mr. Gao Kun is widely recognized as the the first person to bring about the use of fiber material for conveying beam signals in order to build up communication. His findings set off a worldwide revolution in the optical fiber communication, and with the birth of fiber optic system in 1981, he winned the world-known reputation of "Father of Fiber Optics ". Gao has made an outstanding contribution to the world fiber optic technology innovation and development. Mr. Gao Kun's achievement and contribution will be permanently loaded in Cambridge honor list of World Outstanding Chinese .