- 榜上人物
- 74尹吉男
- 142言恭达
- 135吴汝俊
- 165马跃
- 139刘泽珙
- 115胡世平
- 111侯玉成
- 194赵美心
- 151石定寰
- 99方李邦琴
- 友好交往
高锟 / GAO KUN
- 华人榜.科学奖
- 国籍:美籍/英籍
- 职业:物理学家
- 领域:物理学研究
- 美籍、英籍、香港籍华人;享誉世界的科学家,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,中国科学院外籍院士,曾担任香港中文大学校长;是迄今为止第八位获得诺贝尔科学奖的华裔科学家。高锟先生是举世公认的提出用纤维材料传达光束讯号以建置通信的第一人,其研究成果在全球范围内掀起了光纤通信的革命,随着光纤系统在1981年成功问世,高锟“光纤之父”美誉传遍世界,他对世界光纤技术的革新与发展做出了卓越贡献。高锟先生的毕生成就与贡献将永久载入华人榜的荣誉史册。
Winner of Outstanding Chinese in the Area of Scientific Research
Mr. Gao Kun
Gao Kun is an American, British, and Hong Kong Chinese-; he is a world-renowned scientist and a Nobel Laureate in Physics; he is a foreign associate in the Chinese Academy of sciences and has served as Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; he is by far the eighth to win the Nobel Prize for Chinese scientists. Mr. Gao Kun is widely recognized as the the first person to bring about the use of fiber material for conveying beam signals in order to build up communication. His findings set off a worldwide revolution in the optical fiber communication, and with the birth of fiber optic system in 1981, he winned the world-known reputation of "Father of Fiber Optics ". Gao has made an outstanding contribution to the world fiber optic technology innovation and development. Mr. Gao Kun's achievement and contribution will be permanently loaded in Cambridge honor list of World Outstanding Chinese .