澳籍华人,原籍中国江苏苏州。悉尼大学无线网络及通讯电缆技术主任,澳大利亚澳华学人协会常务副会长, 澳大利亚江苏省华人华侨总会荣誉会长, 澳大利亚中华情联谊总会名誉会长,澳大利亚清华大学校友会会长,中国燕京华侨大学教授。他身兼多职,十分繁忙,但只要是对中澳关系发展有益之事,他就会义无反顾地去做。在澳数十年如一日情系祖国,多次为中澳高层领导牵线搭桥,为侨胞学子作贡献,尤其是在中澳关系最为波澜壮阔的时候,成为中澳友谊的参与者和见证者。
Chinese Australian, native of Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, dean of wireless networking and communication cable technology of University of Sydney, executive vice president of Chinese Australian Scholars Association of Australia, honorary president of Overseas Chinese Association of Jiangsu Province in Australia, honorary president of Australian Our Chinese Heart Association, Tsinghua University Alumni Association in Australia and professor of China Yanjing Overseas Chinese University. With multiple positions, he is very busy, but he will not hesitate to do anything as long as it is beneficial to the development of Sino-Australian relations. He loved his motherland deeply for decades in Australia, built the bridge for senior leaders in China and Australia and contributed to overseas Chinese students, especially when the Sino-Australian relations is the most magnificent, he became a participant and witness of Sino-Australian friendship.
Sino-Australian relationship may sometimes fell into a low point, during which time Ding Zhaozhang will exert his influence timely to promote the Sino-Australian relations to develop in a good way. He has proved the noble character of the Chinese with his behaviors and mission of folk diplomat, together with his emotion bonding with the flesh and blood of Australian citizen, he can be called model of Chinese. His life achievements and outstanding contributions will be permanently recorded in the Who is Who of outstanding Chinese in Cambridge World.