- 榜上人物
- 74尹吉男
- 142言恭达
- 135吴汝俊
- 165马跃
- 139刘泽珙
- 115胡世平
- 111侯玉成
- 194赵美心
- 151石定寰
- 99方李邦琴
- 友好交往
- 华人榜.电影与文化事业奖
- 国籍:中国
- 职业:导演,摄影师,编剧,演员
- 领域:电影与文化
- 陕西人,享誉国际的著名导演,其作品和荣誉先后获得过国内外四十多个奖项,本人亦先后获得美国波士顿大学、耶鲁大学荣誉博士学位。特别是由张艺谋导演执导的2008第29届奥运会和第13届残奥会开闭幕式,梦幻般的的展示了中华文化的独特魅力,完美表现了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的主题,征服了世界。张艺谋为中国电影事业、产业,以及中华文化的传承与发展做出了重要贡献。他的人生成就将永久载入华人榜的荣誉史册。
Winner of Outstanding Chinese in the Area of Film and Cultural Undertakings
Mr. Zhang Yimou
Coming from Shanxi province, Zhang Yimou is an internationally renowned film director. His works and honors have won more than forty awards at home and abroad. He also has access to the honorary doctorate degree in Boston University and Yale University. Particularly, the opening and closing ceremonies of the 29th Olympic Games and the 13th Paralympic Games which were directed by Zhang Yimou, perfectly displayed the unique charm of Chinese culture ,manifested the theme of the "One World, One Dream" theme, and conquered the world. Zhang Yimou has made important contributions to the Chinese film industry and the Chinese cultural heritage and development. His success will be permanently loaded in Cambridge honors list of World Outstanding Chinese.