  • 华人榜为刘晓庆女士颁发终身评委
  • 华人榜创始人温绍康夫妇受邀前往美国康州拜访洛克菲勒基金会主席
  • 华人榜与美国国际文化交流集团达成合作


  • 华人榜.终身成就奖
  • 国籍:中国
  • 职业:京剧表演艺术家
  • 领域:京剧艺术
Performing artist of Peking Opera, State First-Class Artist, son of master of Peking Opera Mr. Mei Lanfang, successor of Mei school arts and head of Group of Mei Lanfang Peking Opera of Beijing Opera Theater. Taught and guided by his father in art since childhood, he started to learn the art at the age of 10, performed “Yutangchun”, “Silang’s Visiting His Mother” and other operas on the stage when he was 13. And he began to perform on the same stage with his father at the age of 18. He devoted his life to promoting and developing the art of Mei School. And his influence, which is self-evident in terms of promotion of the art of Mei School, is also important even for the field of Peking Opera today. With numerous cultural exchanges and performances over the years home and abroad, he has made great contributions to inheriting and carrying forward the art of Mei School. In 1989, he obtained the Asian Outstanding Artist Award given by the United States Lincoln Creative Art Center; and in 2009, he won “Maestro Award” and “Lifetime Achievement Award” issued by the World Artists Association. He is recognized as a world-class artist. His life achievements and outstanding contributions will be permanently recorded in the Who is Who of outstanding Chinese in Cambridge World.